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Image by Duncan Kidd

The Passover Prophecies: How God is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis: A Book Review


Chuck D. Pierce, a minister and a self-proclaimed modern-day prophet, wrote a book called The Passover Prophecies: How God is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis. In 2020, it was published by Charisma House publishing company in Lake Mary, Florida. This 1st edition holds 151 pages and does not have visual content like graphs, maps, or illustrations. In this book, Pierce describes his visions, and how the Covid-19 Crisis influenced spiritual, economic, and political changes throughout the world. By comparing and contrasting the first Hebrew Passover, Pierce gives people new hope, a new beginning, and a new dream. Peirce argues, "The Lord revealed to me that the forty-day period following Passover was between April 16 and May 26, 2020. I then began to see that the real issue would be an economic rearrangement throughout the world."1 By describing how the ancient Hebrews became slaves in Egypt, Pierce showed how God prepared the Hebrews for their first Passover. Peirce explains that, by destroying the Egyptian economy, God rearranged Egyptian politics, causing Egypt’s decline. This phenomenon, which Pierce calls “realignment,” caused massive shifts of world powers.2 As the world faced Covid-19 and the following aftermath, God was using these events to prepare Christians for the Great Passover of 2020, which followed a global political and economic decline. Although Pierce used his personal visions, news and social media sources, history, and the New International Bible to support his claims and arguments, The Passover Prophecies does not use historical methodologies like scholarly sources; a bibliography (instead it gives a list of notes from various sources that are broken down by chapter); does not test sources against each other; and does not trace the historiography of biblical or historical prophecies. In essence, this book is about one man’s spiritual vision or visions, and how those personal visions revealed a transitional global pattern which impacted the entire world. Price $15.99 ISBN number 978-1-62999-097-4

During the spring of 2020, Pierce is given visions of how God planned to use Covid and the aftermath as a starting point for global change. Beginning with the Passover of 2020, a period of “realignment” shifted political powers and economies where the weaker became stronger and the stronger became weaker.3 Once completed, this shift will bring forth a second awakening. During this time a “season of war” enters.4 “We [The Church and her followers] have entered not just a new year, decade, or season but a new era in the kingdom of God.”5 The season of war will eventually cause a Great Awakening within the Church and her people, where a time of great separation takes place for both secular and religious individuals:

Over these next two years you will see one of the greatest separations in this nation [North America]. It will look like a Civil War, and God will define this separation so we can fully understand it. We will have to become one. The voices with the anointing – we’re going to have to learn to follow the anointing and be able to see the anointing, because the separation is going to get greater and greater”6

Pierce then explains how these wars will cause a spiritual warfare, where “tensions” between the “Lion vs. the Dragon War” occur.7 But because of this war, an economic change happens to where people are forced to change their spending habits. In his vision, Pierce hears God saying, “Tighten your belt.”8 At this, Pierce describes how God is going to teach the world how to use their personal skills and knowledge to stretch their currency, goods, and food. Throughout this “divine reset,” prophets and plagues rise and sweep across the globe.9 Then nations will rise and fall, creating a shift in global politics which form new military alliances. But Pierce gives the Church hope by reminding followers of God’s covenant or promise.

Throughout the entire book, Pierce intertwines history with biblical stories to explain his spiritual visions. He explains Judaism and Christian rituals, and how Easter and the Passover are connected but different. By using two major key events, the story of Moses and Constantine’s tolerance toward Christianity, Pierce shows how Judaism and the history of the Early Christian Church struggled to survive. He backs his claims, arguments, and history using scriptures from the NIV Bible, the Torah, and secondary sources that he personally wrote or co-authored. Many of his sources are websites, social media posts from Facebook, and articles from The Washington Post. Out of about forty sources, only two were considered scholarly. Thus, the historical methodology is nonexistent, and the book should not be used as a secondary scholarly source.

Two years have passed since the Passover Prophecies was published. Many things Pierce mentioned were not remembered and needed clarification. As these events were unfolding, Pierce did not take the time to explain every single crisis, assuming his audiences would understand and remember the events at hand, leaving many gaps in the book. Regardless, he did cite his sources, and his research can be traced throughout the book. But with so many websites used, this process is short lived. Websites undergo many changes, and sometimes URLs are updated or sold. Eventually, the book will need to undergo a revision process to fill in those gaps, confirm website access, and to explain more clearly what happened during these years. Overall, it was an interesting read with lots of insights, wonderment, and excitement.

In conclusion, The Passover Prophecies tells the story about the Passover, and how one man’s visions illustrated global change. Through this change, the world faces new awakening and enlightenment. Thus, God begins to prepare the world for His promise, setting a new era for the Church and her people. In essence, this is a great read for theologians, and an excellent book of entertainment for those that are outside the field. It is not, however, a scholarly source and should be used with caution and critical thought when reading. Overall, the book was well written and entertaining.

[1]. Chuck D. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies: How God is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House Book Group, 2020), 10. [2]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 98-144. [3]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 98-144. [4]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 46-48. [5]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 43.

[6]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 44. [7]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 44. [8]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 57-58. [9]. Pierce, The Passover Prophesies, 59.


Pierce, Chuck D. The Passover Prophecies: How God is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis. Mary Lake: Charisma House Book Group, 2020.


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